Quiz Questions for w/e 19th February

Well it’s quiz time again.

[Q1.] Who is this actor – and from which 1992 movies DVD case is this image taken?


[Q2.] Former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali died this week – what was his nationality?

[Q3.] Which 1980 song has the following lines?

I’ve got your picture
Of me and you
You wrote “I love you”
I love you too
I sit there staring and there’s nothing else to do

Oh it’s in color
Your hair is brown
Your eyes are hazel
And soft as clouds
I often kiss you when there’s no one else around


[Q4.] Columbia is the capital of which U.S State?

[Q5.] What do you get when you burn hydrogen in a pure oxygen environment?

[Q6.] What is the name of the stretch of water circled and arrowed in this image? [i.e. Not the Persian Gulf or Arabian Sea]



[Q7.] Which is more deadly; botlinum toxin or the venom of an Inland Taipan?

[Q8.] According to the poem Monday’s child is fair of face, what is Tuesday’s child’s attribute?

[Q9.] According to the 2014 Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d’Automobiles statistics which country made more cars; Japan or the USA?

[Q10.] 19th February 1473 was the birthday of which Polish Renaissance mathematician and astronomer?


Answers: Question 1 Show

Answers: Question 2 Show

Answers: Question 3 Show

Answers: Question 4 Show

Answers: Question 5 Show

Answers: Question 6 Show

Answers: Question 7 Show

Answers: Question 8 Show

Answers: Question 9 Show

Answers: Question 10 Show

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