Quiz Questions for w/e 13th November

Well as we sneak further into November here are some more trivial questions.

[Q1.] From the 1967 movie Cool Hand Luke who is this actor?

[Q2.] What are the names of the four horsemen of the apocalypse?

[Q3.] Which 1984 song has the following opening lines?

I got two strong arms
Blessings of Babylon
Time to carry on and try
For sins and false alarms
So to America the brave
Wise men save


Near a tree by a river
There’s a hole in the ground
Where an old man of Aran
Goes around and around
And his mind is a beacon
In the veil of the night
For a strange kind of fashion
There’s a wrong and a right
But he’ll never, never fight over you

[Q4.] What is the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet?

[Q5.] Mark Spitz won seven Olympic gold medals in which sport?

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