Here we go again, it is quiz time
Another ten trivia / quiz questions to wake those brain cells up.
[Q1.] From a 2003 movie, can you name the character and actor?
[Q2.] Continuing last week’s theme of Presidential middle names, what are the middle names of these Presidents of America?
a) Barack H Obama b) George W Bush c) William J Clinton d) Richard M Nixon
[Q3.] Which 1995 song had the following opening lines?
A heart that’s full up like a landfill
A job that slowly kills you
Bruises that won’t healYou look so tired and unhappy
Bring down the government
They don’t, they don’t speak for us
I’ll take a quiet life
A handshake of carbon monoxide
[Q4.] In which US State are the Everglades?
[Q5.] The battle of Spion Kop was during which war?
a) Boer b) Crimean c) WWI d) WWII
[Q6.] Minsk is the capital city of which country?
[Q7.] Who wrote the 1931 novel “Brave New World”?
[Q8.] What are the five Great Lakes?
[Q9.] Which musician’s real name is Robert Alan Zimmerman?
[Q10.] On 10th February 1950 which former competitive simmer was born. A man who won seven gold medals at the 1972 Summer Olympic games in Munich?
Answers: Question 1
Answers: Question 2
Answers: Question 3
Answers: Question 4
Answers: Question 5
Answers: Question 6
Answers: Question 7
Answers: Question 8
Answers: Question 9
Answers: Question 10